Therapy and Counselling, Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Online and Office based

If you would like to book a session with me, please use the contact form on this site and I will call or email you, phone me on 07769 976626 or email me on

I dont reply to enquiries on social sites.


If you are booking for a couple, please make sure that you have your partner's approval, and availability.  Booking a session to 'push' a reluctant spouse to attend very rarely works out and likely provokes an argument between you both.


I'm often asked about 'discovery calls', or to have a conversation about if we are the 'right fit'.  I don't generally agree to these.  If you phone me to ask about how I work or to book then you are 'discovering', in my opinion.  I won't listen to the narrative of what you need over the phone as we don't have a confidentialtiy agreement at that time. This is even more important for couples sessions, so that the person who wasn't on the phone doesn't feel talked about behind their back.

Often, questions are about qualifications and experience. I am a member of a voluntary register, have proved my qualifcations, etc. I have been a counsellor for over twenty years and a couples therapist, with Relate training and qualifications, since 2011. I am sometimes asked I don't have a 'Relate' banner on my website, this is because I am a private practitioner and I am not employed by or affiliated to a Relate office. 



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